Austria Wind

Wind turbines are the most visible signs for renewable energy projects. The green energy regulation in Austria with granted feed in tariffs makes windpower attractive and competitive in the near future. The potential for further project development for wind power is promising.

155 MW
  • ContourGlobal - Austria Wind; Windfarm Hagn
    Austria Wind - Windfarm Hagn

Deutsch Haslau

  • 18 MW

    installed capacity

  • Since 2014

    in operation

Windpark Deutsch Haslau consists of 6 ENERCON turbines E-101, 3 MW each, and has a total installed capacity of 18 MW. The wind farm is located 40 km east south east of Vienna, and is connected to the medium-high voltage grid of Burgenland Netz. It is a joint project with 62% ownership by ContourGlobal erneuerbare Energie Europa GmbH, 20% by Energie Burgenland Windkraft GmbH, and 18% by regional partners of Deutsch Haslau Energie GmbH. The commercial operation started in April 2014. There was an opening ceremony in Deutsch Haslau, part of the involved municipality Prellenkirchen on August 25th, 2014. A feed in tariff is fixed for 13 years.

Zistersdorf Ost

  • 9 MW

    installed capacity

  • Since 2014

    in operation

Zistersdorf Ost is 100% owned by ContourGlobal erneuerbare Energie Europa GmbH.  The windfarm consists of 3 ENERCON E- 101, 3 MW turbines, with a gross capacity of 9 MW. It is located 35 km north of Vienna, in the municipality of Zistersdorf, and is connected to the medium-high voltage grid of the provincial grid company Netz Niederösterreich. The commercial operation started in July 2014. A feed in tariff is fixed for 13 years.


  • 47 MW

    installed capacity

  • Since 2014

    in operation

Windpark HAGN is one of the largest windfarms in the Austrian province of Lower Austria, located 40 km north of Vienna. It consists of 20 ENERCON E-82, 2,3 MW turbines with a total capacity of 47 MW.  The windfarm is connected to the medium-high voltage grid of the provincial grid company Netz Niederösterreich. The windfarm was completed in 2013 and commercial operation started at end of 2013. An opening ceremony was held on May 5th, 2014 in the Althöflein, part of one of the 4 involved muncipalities Großkrut, Altlichtenwarth, Hauskirchen and Neusiedl / Zaya. A feed in tariff is fixed for 13 years. ContourGlobal erneuerbare Energie Europa GmbH holds a 95% shre and a regional partner holds 5%.

  • ContourGlobal Austria Wind Windfarm Zistersdorf
    Austria Wind - Windfarm Zistersdorf
  • ContourGlobal Austria Wind Deutsch Haslau
    Austria Wind - Deutsch Haslau
  • ContourGlobal Austria Wind
    Austria Wind - Hagn


  • 20 MW

    installed capacity

  • Since 2004

    in operation

Berg is owned by ContourGlobal Wind Holding GmbH, a 100% company of ContourGlobal erneuerbare Energie Europa GmbH. The windfarm consists of 9 Vestas V80-2MW and 1 Vestas V90-2MW turbine with a gross capacity of 20MW. It is located 5km west of Bratislava, in the municipality of Berg, and is connected to the medium-high voltage grid of the provincial grid company Netz Niederösterreich. The commercial operation started in November 2005. The V80 turbines have secured feed in tariff until October 2018.


  • 30 MW

    installed capacity

  • Since 2003

    in operation

Scharndorf is owned by ContourGlobal Wind Holding GmbH, a 100% company of ContourGlobal erneuerbare Energie Europa GmbH. The windfarm consists of 6 Vestas V80-2 MW and 1 Vestas V90-2 MW turbine with a gross capacity of 14 MW. It is located 30 km east of Vienna, in the municipality of Scharndorf, and is connected to the medium-high voltage grid of the provincial grid company Netz Niederösterreich. The commercial operation started in December 2003. The feed-in tariff of V80 turbines expired in December 2016 and are now operating under merchant conditions. The repowering of 5 old Vestas with new efficient Senvion M122 turbines for a total net capacity of 15.8 MW is ongoing. 


  • 19 MW

    installed capacity

  • Since 2005

    in operation

Trautmannsdorf is owned by ContourGlobal Wind Holding GmbH, a 100% company of ContourGlobal erneuerbare Energie Europa GmbH. The windfarm consists of 8 Vestas V80-2MW and 1 Enercon E101-3MW turbine with a gross capacity of 19MW. It is located 25km east of Vienna, in the municipality of Trautmannsdorf, and is connected to the medium-high voltage grid of the provincial grid company Netz Niederösterreich. The commercial operation started in November 2004. The feed in tariff is fixed until November 2017.


  • 12 MW

    installed capacity

  • Since 2004

    in operation

Velm is owned by ContourGlobal Wind Holding GmbH, a 100% company of ContourGlobal erneuerbare Energie Europa GmbH. The wind farm consists of 4 Vestas V126 turbines with a net capacity of 11.8 MW. It is located 35km north of Vienna, in the municipality of Velm-Goetzendorf, and is connected to the medium-high voltage grid of the provincial grid company Netz Niederösterreich. The commercial operations started in January 2019.

How we work with our neighbors:

  • Sponsoring and supporting Scharndorf municipality in cultural activities, such as a daytrip for retirees of the municipality
  • Refurbishing and equiping new kindergartens in Velm and Scharndorf
  • Providing aid to volunteer Organizations such as Hagn Fire Fighting Organizations, through donation of fire fighting equipment and materials