• ContourGlobal Community Engagement

    Social Investment

    With our Social Investment Strategy we promote economic growth and social well-being wherever we are present
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  • ContourGlobal Health and Safety Teaser

    Target Zero Commitment

    Health & Safety is one of our most important values. It’s about life and living and living well.
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  • We Minimize Environmental Impacts

    Minimize Environmental Impacts

    With our environmental performance standards we strive towards excellence
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  • ContourGlobal Compliance and Ethics KivuWitt Team

    Preventing Corruption

    To prevent and detect corruption in our operations we have designed and implemented a comprehensive Anti-Corruption Compliance Program.
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Our Principles & Values

We use our principles, values and the ContourGlobal mindset to manage our businesses. Wherever we are present, we act in a transparent way and with continuous efforts to produce benefits to all of our stakeholders.


Our principles

  • We operate safely and efficiently and minimize environmental impacts

  • We grow well

  • We manage our business responsibly

  • We enhance our operating environment

This is how we act based on our principles

Operate Safely and Efficiently and Minimize Environmental Impacts

  • Provide a safe and healthy workplace that improves continuously through a rigorous program of learning and auditing.
  • Minimize our environmental impacts by complying with global best practices and maximizing innovation to decrease our local footprint.
  • Operate efficiently and reliably to meet availability targets.
  • Develop and train operational teams, including through ongoing knowledge-sharing.

Grow Well

  • Develop sustainable businesses that utilize our resources efficiently to expand access to affordable energy in underserved markets.
  • Expand our portfolio by advancing ‘next generation’ renewable and thermal technologies and deploying innovative methods for energy efficiency.

Manage our Business Responsibly

  • Adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance and business ethics.
  • Uphold human rights and labor principles throughout our value chain.
  • Engage with the communities where we work through social initiatives and ensuring that the voices of all stakeholders are recognized.

Enhance our Operating Environment

  • Promote sector development and laudable business practices by interacting with governments and civil societies where we do business.
  • Advocate for transparent business practices and good governance.

Our values

We are a growth company, founded in the spirit of innovation and change and have always recognized that our strength and success come from our values and principles.

  • To care about our people’s health, safety, well-being and development.

  • To expect, embrace and enable excellence and continuous learning through humility, and the knowledge that we will fail but when we do, we will learn.

  • To act transparently and with moral integrity.

  • To honor the commitments of those who have placed their trust in us.

  • To work hard and without boundaries as a multinational, integrated team.

Our Health, Safety & Environment Policy

We are committed to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for employees, contractors and visitors, and to care for the environment, society and protect natural resources in our communities. Our Health, Safety and Environmental goals are integrated into our day-to-day business management.

For the people

Assessing and managing the social environment where we work is part of our commitment to manage our businesses responsibly.

  • We do not distinguish by gender in our hiring or remuneration practices

  • Human rights and labor principles are very important for us

  • 1,016 employees completed our online anti-corruption course in 2018

  • We have no incidents in child labor in our company