• ContourGlobal Our People Kivuwatt
  • ContourGlobal Our Team

Our People

ContourGlobal is a company where individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit, a passion for excellence, and who want to make a difference, thrive. We seek diverse, skilled and collaborative individuals to join our ranks and continue building our global business.

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  • Since 2005

    We are working together

  • 1,489


  • 18


  • 5


Knowledge & Learning

We cannot expect our multinational teams to be fully integrated without a comparable level of knowledge and information. We give our new hires a robust onboarding, and throughout employment we offer a broad range of training courses and development opportunities to support the development of a global talent pipeline and cross-business mobility in regions.

ContourGlobal Our People Inka Learning and Knowledge

One of our most important training tools is our Worker Exchange Program (WEP). The WEP is an initiative founded on the belief that our success depends upon creating a multinational workforce "from within." The program emphasizes experiential learning for emerging leaders to prepare them to manage our assets.

In the program, an "outbound" employee will spend several weeks or months at another site where he or she will receive hands-on experience with different work practices, technologies, and management styles. The "host" company benefits by having another technical perspective and additional expertise.

  • 14

    employees participated in the Worker Exchange Program in 2018

  • 466

    days were dedicated to the Worker Exchange Program in 2018


Our commitment to working hard without boundaries is dependent on communication in all its forms. We emphasize communication, collaboration, and coordination, referring to these as the “3 Cs” within the organization.

ContourGlobal Our People Senegal Communication

We encourage people to communicate with each other all the time and believe that nothing can replace face-to-face communication. To that end, we have installed video conferencing at every power plant and office, and most employees' laptops are equipped with software and hardware to participate in meetings from anywhere.

We are also committed to ensure the delivery of high quality feedback and development advice to our people, to maximize the power of inclusion and diversity to build high performing teams.

Meet Some Of Our People

"I feel glad and grateful to be part of ContourGlobal power generation team. I have the enjoyable opportunity to learn and to work with experienced and friendly people from all over the world.

The Generation Operation Center role requires attention, concentration and dynamism. We remotely monitor, control and are responsible for the real-time optimum operation of the 12 Wind and Hydro Power Plants owned by ContourGlobal in Brazil.

ContourGlobal gave me the chance to work and learn more about different types of energy, which is a very enriching professional experience and opens up the vision over the energy future of the planet."

Vandier Paixão, Generation Operation Center, Asa Branca - Brazil

Jose Paixao Testimony

"I am currently maintenance mechanical technician at ContourGlobal Togo (CGT) tri-fuel power plant. Prior to this, I worked for more than seven years as operations technician.

I like working for ContourGlobal especially for the values and the principles that ContourGlobal conveys and for its commitment to fight bribery.

In 2016, I had the opportunity to be part of our Work Exchange Program which allowed me to travel to our Kivuwatt project in Rwanda, a very pleasant place, to work and exchange knowledge with my colleagues. Working in a new culture and environment was an exciting and great experience for my career."

Abalo Nigon, Maintenance Mechanical Technician, Lome - Togo

Abalo Nigon - Our People Testimony 2

"I am working as mechanical engineer for our Kivuwatt plant and have witnessed and participated to several key events of our unique and complex project: Kivuwatt. It was a long learning journey especially regarding the Gas Extraction Facilities Construction and the off-shore mooring system as it was never done before.

Working for ContourGlobal on this project has given me immense opportunities to grow as an individual and in my career. I was able to interact with people from different sites, countries and cultures. This great experience was reinforced with the Worker Exchange Program. I traveled to our Togo power plant and worked closely with the supportive and friendly local team to learn and share my knowledge from Kivuwatt project."

Musa Sylverien, Mechanical Engineer, Kibuje - Rwanda

Our People - Musa Sylverien