Compliance & Ethics

To prevent and detect corruption in our operations we have designed and implemented a comprehensive Anti-Corruption Compliance Program. It is also focused on compliance with our Code of Conduct and related topics, including financial integrity, competition and fair dealing, and conflicts of interest. 

Our values are important to us and form the basis for how we work as an organization. ContourGlobal is an organization committed to conducting business responsibly and with the highest levels of integrity. Whether generating electricity in underserved markets or developing sophisticated technologies in Europe, the manner in which we grow and conduct our business matters as much as the number of megawatts we generate or the revenues that we produce. Responsible business operations require consistently playing by the rules, and we expect everyone at ContourGlobal and everyone with whom we work with to behave legally and ethically at all times.

ContourGlobal Compliance and Ethics
Global Citizens

We train responsible global citizens

We regularly train our employees and certain of our business partner on our values, spotting and responding to potential concerns, and how to act as responsible global citizens. Training is adapted to employee function and position in the company.  In addition to periodic in-person training, all employees are required to take an online anti-corruption course upon joining the company.

Compliance and Ethics Reach Out

When in doubt, reach out!

Our commitment to ethical business practices includes encouraging employees and third parties to report any integrity or compliance-related concerns without fear of retaliation. Reports may be either made directly to our Chief Compliance Officer or anonymously via the ContourGlobal EthicsLine, a multilingual service operated by Navex Global, an independent third party. The ContourGlobal Ethics line allows employees and third parties to report suspected wrongdoing or improper behavior. Every report will be investigated and addressed.

File a report via our EthicsLine

Our Policies and Procedures

The Code of Conduct and Business Ethics sets out our expectations of ContourGlobal employees and serves as a roadmap to help us act responsibly and ethically in the performance of our responsibilities. The Supplier Code is based on the ContourGlobal Code of Conduct and Business Ethics and sets out the ethical obligations of our suppliers.

Our Anti-Corruption Policy helps to ensure ContourGlobal’s compliance with anti-corruption laws applicable to our business worldwide, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act, and the Brazil Clean Company Act. The Anti-Corruption Guide is a 60-page instruction booklet revised in 2015 and distributed to all employees in all sixteen ContourGlobal languages that provides an overview of the Program, applicable laws, our expectations, and employees’ responsibilities.

UK Tax Strategy

Modern Slavery Statement

Pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act (2015), and to support greater transparency in this area, ContourGlobal prepares yearly a Statement addressing the steps taken to ensure that there is no modern slavery in our business and supply chain. In the section below you will find all our Modern Slavery Statements, including the most recent 2022 Modern Slavery Statement.