
Arrubal Power Plant is an 800 MW Combined-Cycle Gas-Turbine plant located in Spain’s La Rioja region. ContourGlobal acquired Arrubal Power Plant in 2011.

Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
800 MW
  • Arrubal Plant Teaser
  • Arrubal - Cooling Tower
    Arrubal - Cooling Tower
  • Arrubal Overview
    Arrubal - Plant Overview

Power plant in Spain

Two factors drove our 2011 acquisition of this plant from Gas Natural Fenosa – its top caliber availability rating (in the top 10% of comparable plants worldwide) and our strong belief in the fundamentals of Spain’s power market. Acquisitions are typically made with significant assets already existing in the country, but in the case of Arrúbal we staffed the team, opened an office, and established contracts in record time to make the plant operational as soon as possible. In addition to its baseload capability, Arrúbal also helps balance the highly variable output of the region’s solar and wind-turbine installations. The plant can respond quickly to net-load fluctuations to provided needed stability.

Arrubal Power Plant ISO certifications

Arrubal Power Plant was certified by SGS on 26 November 2016.  We obtained triple certification (Integrated Management System) in ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007. ISO 14001:2015 certification provides Arrubal Power Plant an environmental management system to establish the principle of continuous improvement in our business.

Arrubal was the first plant in ContourGlobal that has achieved the triple certification and the first one to deploy the HSE excellence program.

How we work with our neighbors in Spain

  • Financing scholarships at the University of La Rioja for engineering students from low-income backgrounds
  • Offering internships at the ContourGlobal Combined-Cycle power plant and providing training for students on thermal plant concepts
  • Hosting Community Days to welcome neighboring residents onto the site for tours
Arrubal - Social Project
Arrubal - Students visiting the plant