Operational Excellence

While we strive for excellence in everything we do, operating our power plants efficiently and reliably, and minimizing environmental impacts, is at the heart of it all.

  • Italia -  Nogara Plant
  • 6.2

    gigawatts in operation

  • 130

    projects in portfolio

Operationally, we define excellence as achieving targeted operational performance in key performance areas (established through peer benchmarking). We strive to achieve this excellence by employing an operational system that creates significant value in our businesses. We call this the ContourGlobal Operational Way.

  • Contour Global Operational Excellence

A key component of the CG Operational Way is our Operations and Maintenance (“O&M”) strategy. Our strategy is centered on six pillars designed to enable excellence and set the direction and vision for our O&M organization. Our operations organization is designed to ensure consistency in the application of standards and operating methods across all our businesses. This includes implementation of methodological practices and standard operating procedures that ensure the highest level of operational performance.